Thursday, 29 May 2014

Cubism Episode #7: Crazy Train

  Hello! Back again for episode 7! This week we delve into all things wacky. Including conspiracy spoilers as well as different and crazy ways to draft cube as well as different types of cube in general. We then have a brand new top 8 lined up!

-Some crazy ways to draft and build cubes.
-Top 8 Conspiracy Cards for cube

  We begin by going over some different cube formats, such as back drafting, legacy cube, as well as the combo cube and some of their ins and outs what we like about each of them what we dislike and some different strategies when drafting each.

-Then it's on to what everyone's been waiting for, Conspiracy, we basically go over every conspiracy card of relevance and discuss its implications for cube and other formats.

-Then on to the top 8, we outline which cards we think are best suited to go into regular cubes and why.

Thank you again for listening it means a lot to us, please do not hesitate to contact us, tweet at us, like us on facebook or send us an email we promise we will respond as quickly as possible!

So thanks again and happy cubing!

Friday, 23 May 2014

Cubism Episode #6: New Kids on the Block

Hi Everybody,

  Episode 6 is live, myself and Aaron have a great show lined up for you this week, as we are joined by Manitoba's best Yu-Gi-Oh and DOTA 2 player Mike Jun-Dundas. This weeks episode goes over some challenges and obstacles people face when starting to get into cube, how to find cube groups or help building their first cubes. Basically a how to guide on how to start cubing.

-Introduce Mike, tells us how he got into cubing
-Some common obstacles associated with starting to play cube
-How to overcome those objections
-Some of the best decks for newer players to draft
-Tips for building your first cube

We introduce Mike, and he tells us all about how he got into cube, what he likes about it and some of the difficulties he had getting into cube. He tells us some good cube stories and maybe some of the things he did to make cube as fun as possible as fast as possible.

We then go over the most obvious objections people have when they try to get into cubing along with some easy ways to counter them and overcome them. And, the best ways of finding a group to cube with, so that you can learn to enjoy everyone's favorite format to the fullest.

Then, we outline some of the best decks to draft when you are just starting out, that give you the best chance to get your bearings and most likely 2-1. We also outline some cards that are maybe best left to the sideboard early on until you feel confidant casting them effectively.

Aaron then gives us all a lesson on how to first build a cube and some more cost efficient ways to maximize your cube experience without completely breaking the bank.

Well guys, thanks again for listening, we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did making it, again all pertinent information is below and don't hesitate to contact us on any form of social media. Thanks again and happy cubing!
A few more links from today's episode:

Friday, 16 May 2014

Cubism Episode #5: Like A Rock

  Hey guys, we're back again for episode 5 and we have a pretty sweet show for you guys lined up. We outline our time at the GP, along with going over a few cube archetypes and how to properly draft them. We then come back to my favorite section, the top 8 of the week, and this week we delve into the best build around me cards for cube.

-Stories from Grand Prix Minneapolis
-4 cube archetype overviews
-Top 8 Build Around Me Cards

-So we start by outlining our time at GP Minneapolis, how Aaron did in the tournament, my time behind the vendor booth and some stories of Aaron's cube from the GP.

-Next we outline 4 cube archetypes and how to properly draft them, as well as the decks individual strengths and weakness' and their good and bad match ups.

-Then we work through another Top 8, and it's the Top 8 Build Around Me Cards. These are some of our favorite cards as well as being some of the most powerful individual cards in cube.

  So thanks again for listening, we appreciate any and all feedback so please let us know tweet at us comment on facebook send us emails whatever you wanna do please we appreciate it. We will be back next friday with a new episode and a new guest so stay tuned and thanks for listening!