Thursday, 24 April 2014

Cubism Episode #3: Golddigger

  Hey guys, we're back! Our first episode in our new weekly episode format. This week we go over our excitement for this weeks prerelease and the new cards in Journey Into Nyx, along with a top 8 that ties in very closely with these spoilers. And, last but certainly not least we take a look at the man, the myth, the comic book lead, that is Dack Fayden.

-We journey into the complexity that is the gold slots of your cube and flesh out different options for gold slots, and the problem with the hybrid cards and how they mix and complicate the gold sections in cube.

-Journey Into Nyx, spoiler discussion is next and we cover them in basically the only way we know how, A TOP EIGHT! We cover the top 8 cards in Journey Into Nyx for cube, a disclaimer, (these are not the top 8 most powerful cards, or best cards for format x, or best cards for limited, this is strictly the top 8 cards for cube).

-We look at the rest of the mythics in Journey Into Nyx and what their future could hold as well as some honourable mentions in the set that would not be laughed out of most cubes.

-Finally, we tackle the over arching spoiler that was Dack, and how this new 3 mana planeswalker will shake up cube along with vintage and possibly even legacy.

  Thanks again for listening, if you liked the show, let us know, and if you didn't like the show, let us know, we are up for any comments you guys have and will do our best to respond.
Thanks again guys and we'll be back next week with another special guest where we might discuss a niche cube format unknown to most of the modern world.

Friday, 18 April 2014

Cubism Episode #2: Paint it Black

  Hello, hello, hello and welcome to episode 2 of Cubism, this week Hoey and Aaron are joined by recent PTQ winner Filip Roman. And we hopefully begin to hit our stride after a bit of a shaky start to episode 1.

-We start out with our intro and a brief overview of cube, we felt like we didn't do that justice last episode and this week we break down what it is, sizes, different types of Cubes, anything to do with cube, and we tried to cover it.

-We then delve into some of our favourite cube archetypes and an outline on how to draft them effectively and how to draft them so that you know the proper order in which to pick the different pieces so you aren't left missing out on the crucial elements to make your deck work effectively.

-Next, we enter into the top 8 most underrated cards, mine and Aaron's list differs slightly from Fil's but if you are at all familiar with Fil that won't be much of a surprise

-We conclude with shout outs a category that Aaron continually cares too little about but no worries, I make up for it with more than enough shootouts for all three of us!

  Well that concludes another episode thank you very much for listening and again feel free to comment on anything and we will try to answer back as soon as possible so for Aaron, I'm Hoey and we look forward to joining you again next Friday, for Cubism episode 3!

Make sure to check us out on Twitter and Facebook

Friday, 4 April 2014

Cubism Episode #1: The Stone Temple Pilot

 Cubism Episode 1

 Hey guys, this is episode one, we start off by introducing ourselves and telling you why we wanted to start the show. We outline what most of our episodes will feature, from stories about cube, to ways to build cubes, to certain deck archetypes in cube, some of our pet peeves with cubes our favourite cards in cube, basically if it has anything to do with cube, we will or can cover it at some point in a future episode. We then discuss our top 8 of the week, this week it's the top 8 most overrated cards in cube, and we make strong cases as to maybe why you shouldn't draft them as often or as highly as you sometimes do, make sure you listen in, as number 1 is probably a very controversial pick. Thank you very much for giving us a listen, we will be recording and uploading every 2 weeks for the first couple episodes then once we gauge the popularity of the show we might be able to up the episodes to every week. We look forward to hearing from you guys again in two weeks where we will be talking more in depth about some of our favourite cube decks and how to draft them and we will be joined by a special guest from our cubing community here in Winnipeg. Thank You very much and I hope you enjoy the show!
Here is the Demonic Tutor discussion on Reddit: